Step Beyond Survival Mode and Start Thriving

Seizing control of your professional destiny by turning fear into fuel

Lately, in my conversations with many tech professionals, I’ve noticed the well-known pattern of running a never-ending race, meeting crazy deadlines, and trying to keep up with everything their jobs throw at them, in a new light.

I am aware and lived that life where it’s really easy to lose track of what we want because we’re always on the go.

When chatting with these folks in tech, it turns out many of them are feeling the same way, and a lot of it comes down to worrying about whether their jobs are safe.

It doesn’t matter if it’s just a whisper in the back of their mind or a loud concern — it’s there, and it’s shaking up how secure and content they feel at work.

I see what they’re going through, and realize that there may be many more feeling the same. So, I am writing this to offer a little break to see and think about it from a different perspective.

Every conversation I’ve had tells me one thing — you’re all a bit unsure about what’s next, and it’s pushing you into just trying to make it through each day.

Sometimes, it may feel like you’re sticking with your jobs out of necessity rather than genuinely wanting to be there.

Well, you’re not alone. From my conversations, it seems a majority are dealing with a handful of common issues:

  • Ridiculous workloads without enough reward.

  • Leaders who don’t seem to be, well, leading.

  • The constant fear that one small mistake could lead to job loss.

You know what that constant doubt and looking out can do to you? It can steal your peace of mind and push you into Survival mode.

What does Survival Mode look like?

Seeing talented people get fired for sharing their thoughts can make us scared and want to play it safe.

When companies keep changing the rules or don’t appreciate our work, and when bosses don’t talk to us clearly, it all starts to feel pointless.

Our brain goes into emergency mode focusing only on simple tasks to keep us out of trouble with no attention to our long-term goals and aspirations.

It’s Flight, Freeze, or Fight mode!

We might start to avoid trying anything new and just do the minimum. This can make us feel all over the place, forget things easily, get annoyed quickly, or be too tired to do our regular work.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez CA on Unsplash

Are you always tired?

Every task feels urgent and critical and prioritization is becoming difficult by each day?

Do you feel isolated and disconnected from support?

Is your body in a constant state of stress i.e. anxiety, headaches, fast heartbeat, etc.?

Are minor issues triggering strong emotional responses?

If you answered Yes to more than one, then it’s not just burnout, it’s the result of operating from a survival mode for too long resulting in mental and emotional burnout.

And here’s the thing…

You’re not meant to just get by, feel numb or having your career reduced to a series of fire-fighting reactive decisions.

You can handle changes and thrive, not just survive them.

Compare the feelings above to having a positive attitude where you feel lively, sharp, and in control of your job.

Instead of stress pushing you around, you’re using it to your advantage. You’re not just getting through the day, you’re making, discovering, and learning new things.

You’re doing things on purpose, making sure what you do each day helps you reach your big work goals.

Unfortunately some have to postpone living their best life because they are deep in the pit of survival mode. Once finally able to find the strength to climb to the top, take in a deep breath, the bright light triggers one to crawl right back down into the hole of false security. This cycle of rising and falling continues until one feels they deserve the light once and for all and allows it to shine on.”
Christine E. Szymanski

So, what to do when you realize you are operating in the Survival Mode feeling stuck, stagnant and not thriving?

Pause and Reflect

Reflection is an ally against survival mode. It helps you see the invisible patterns and confront the uncomfortable questions.

Pausing to reflect helps you to zoom out and leads to clarity, clarity leads to decisions, decisions lead to action, and action can open the doors to new beginnings.

Once you commit to get out of Survival Mode, then take these steps:

  • First, acknowledge your situation. It’s a starting point, not your destiny.

  • Review your daily tasks. If they don’t match your career goals, adjust your course.

  • Prioritize effectively. Choose tasks that move you towards your goals.

  • Don’t hesitate to seek help. It’s a sign of strength, not weakness.

  • Invest in yourself. Your health and well-being are essential first, not after everything else on your plate.

Change takes time. Be patient and consistent. If you slip back into survival mode, don’t beat yourself up. Use it as a sign to recalibrate.

You can evolve your career from just getting by to fulfilling, from surviving to thriving!

Schedule a call with us if you are feeling these symptoms and need support to get out of survival mode and live a conscious and happy life.


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