Energy Leadership

What is Energy Leadership Index Assessment?

The Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment is an attitudinal assessment that not only enables individuals to change how they are perceived by others but also provides quantitative results for their leadership presence.

This comprehensive transformation goes beyond traditional leadership development, empowering individuals to tap into their hidden potential and effectively influence those around them.

What is Energy Leadership?

When change is the only constant, effective leadership does not just involve managing teams and tasks but also managing energy — your own and that of those around you. This concept is central to the Energy Leadership framework.

Energy Leadership is about leading ourselves and others by recognizing how our attitudes and beliefs shape our worldview. It offers a compelling lens through which we can understand and improve our interactions, productivity, and satisfaction at work.

Lead yourself and others based on a shared understanding of energetic perception, resulting in a transformational shift in attitudes and behaviors.


Seven Levels of Energy

The Energy Leadership™ framework recognizes two types of energy: catabolic and anabolic. Catabolic energy is often associated with tearing down and destruction, much like barriers that hold one back. Anabolic energy, conversely, is the building force, fostering growth and constructive action.

When individuals are not fully aware of their leadership energies, they may naturally gravitate towards a catabolic state. This state can impede personal achievements and the ability to positively influence others.

The journey towards embracing anabolic energy involves recognizing and nurturing positive thoughts and behaviors which are instrumental in achieving one's objectives and becoming an inspiring figure to others.

Within this framework, there are seven levels of energy that oscillate throughout daily experiences. While it's natural to move between different levels, the predominant leadership style of a person is often reflected by the level at which they most frequently operate.

Understanding these levels helps clients to harness their energy more effectively, leading to impactful and fulfilling lives and careers.

Our aim is to guide clients toward more anabolic states, fostering positive thoughts and behaviors that help them achieve their objectives.

While people fluctuate between seven energy levels daily, their predominant leadership style is reflected in the level where they spend most of their time.

 What Energy Level Are You?

Victim ~

Conflict ~

Responsibility ~

Concern ~

Reconciliation ~

Synthesis ~

Non-judgmental ~

Victim ~ Conflict ~ Responsibility ~ Concern ~ Reconciliation ~ Synthesis ~ Non-judgmental ~

What you’ll leave with:

  • Improved communication skills, higher self-awareness, and research backed tools and exercises to continually raise your consciousness

  • The know-how to look closely at where (and how) you’re investing your energy to best support your work and life goals

  • Boosted productivity, communication, and morale among employees for your team, and transformations in your relationships, confidence level, and leadership skills.